
Friday, February 7, 2020

Poetry Friday: I Dream A World by Langston Hughes

This is one of my favorite Langston Hughes poems and since it is Black History Month, I thought I would share it today. It's also one of the poems I would regularly use in the classroom when I taught in the Bronx. I think it is especially poignant in light of recent events in here and abroad.

Poetry Friday is a weekly blogging event in which poets, writers, readers, and lovers of poetry share blog posts about poetry. Poetry Friday is being hosted today by Laura Purdie Salas at Small Reads for Brighter Days


  1. This is gorgeous! It's a Hughes poem I'm not sure I've ever read before--or at lest not many times. Thanks for sharing these powerful words today.

  2. I continue to be hopeful that the "wretchedness will hang its head". I love the poem and have connected it to "I Dreamed A Dream" from Les Mis, both so poignant & filled with hope. Thanks, Alex!

  3. This is one of my favorites--at one point I had it memorized, but haven't recited it in a while. I find that so many of Hughes' poems speak to today.

  4. Have you seen this?

  5. Thanks so much for sharing this poem, one that is new to me. How sad that this still feels timely.

  6. Thanks for sharing this poem--we all need to keep dreaming!
