
Friday, October 27, 2017

Poetry Friday - A Hundred Scary Skeletons by Susan Kassabian

Well, the countdown to Halloween has begun, the costumes are decided upon, the trick-or-treat treats are in the house. We've read and re-read all the favorite Halloween stories and poems. All we need now is for the big day to arrive.

Meanwhile, I'd like to share this new poem that we have added to our collection:

It's from a book called Poems for Children by Susan Kassabian. Kassabian has written some very humorous poems for kids for this collection that moves through the seasons of the year.

It's Poetry Friday and Brenda at Friendly Fairy Tales has this weeks poetry roundup


  1. What fun! I think I'll use this poem for "unpacking" next week. Lots to notice that will be new for my poetry readers -- internal rhyme, alliteration that has the same sound but not the same spelling, and lots of fun, rich language! THANKS!!

  2. What a fun poem. Thanks for the heads up on the book, which I haven't seen yet!

  3. How delightfully spooky, and perfect for this creepiest of seasons!

  4. I love that scattered chatterbones line. What a delightful poem. Thanks for sharing this author!

  5. What a fun poem! Thanks for sharing it and the book!

  6. Happy Halloween Alex! I almost chose the same poem as you when I did a post about Susan’s poetry book. It was difficult deciding which one to use because they are all so good.
    In answer to you question (on my blog) we are off to Australia in a few months. The flights are booked so it is definitely going to happen. We are both very excited. I’m sure you will be hearing all about it next year – even if you don’t really want to. :-)
