
Friday, October 20, 2017

Poetry Friday: October - Author Unknown

It hasn't felt much like fall lately, with the warm temperatures we have been having, but yesterday we went and picked out some mums and pumpkins in preparation for Halloween. Then I remembered this poem I have used in the classroom and in home schooling and I thought I would share it, even though the leaves are still clinging mightily to the trees here in NYC.

I hope you enjoy this poem as much as my students did.

It's Poetry Friday and Leigh Anne at A Day in the Life has this week's roundup.


  1. Hi Alex, It's fun to see you here! This is such a kid-friendly poem, full of those leaves we adore seeing so bright, on the trees, so crunchy, jumping in, and then, time to rake! I've been gone for nearly a week, and my yard filled up since I left. Time to work, and enjoy, too. Thanks for this, will share with my grand-girls!

  2. The leaves they were a-sailing yesterday on our back-roads drive through PA to Falling Water!

  3. This is a fun poem. Fall has been slow to come here this year, too, but I think we're finally going to get to experience some October fun with all the things captured in this poem.

  4. This poem captures so many things I love about fall! Here in Indiana, we are not experience these signs of fall...yet!

  5. What a fun fall poem for wee-ones! It's exciting to think about pumpkins and mums again here in Texas. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Hello Alex, what a lovely poem, just perfect for the time of year. We have high winds and lots of rain just now so the beautiful colours are taking rather a battering, but they have been beautiful.
