Monday, June 3, 2019

It's Monday! What are you reading?

It's Monday! What are you reading? - from picture books to YA is a kidlit meme hosted weekly by Jen at Teacher Mentor Texts and Kellee at Unleashing Readers. The purpose is to recap what you have read and/or reviewed and to plan out your reading for the upcoming week. Twitter #IMWAYR

Last week was a busy week. Wednesday was a full day at the Academy of Medicine in NYC for School Library Journal Day of Dialog and Thursday was an unexpected day at Book Expo. I used to really like going to Book Expo, but not so much nowadays. Ever since they made it hard for bloggers to go, it just hasn't been the same. It used to be a nice time to see online friends from near and far. Now, it's much smaller and quieter. I could have gone back Friday, but decided not to. I was disappointed not to be able to meet Karuna Riazi, who was signing ARCs of The Battle, sequel to The Gauntlet, which I loved. But I have absolute faith that the fates will somehow put a copy of The Battle in my hands at some point.

The week wasn't a total loss as far as reading and reviewing is concerned, however. I did review the following:

by Robert Matzen
I read, but have not reviewed:
August Isle by Ali Standish

Juana & Lucas (Book 1) and Juana & Lucas: Big Problemas (Book 2)
written and illustrated by Juana Medina

D-Day Dog by Tom Palmer

June 6th is the 75th anniversary of D-Day, the world's greatest amphibious assault on the coast of Normandy, France that turned the tide of WWII in favor of the Allies and began to break the hold that Adolf Hitler and the Nazis had on Europe. for that reason, I am in the middle of reading
Invasion: The Story of D-Day
by Bruce Bliven, Jr.
D-Day: Untold Stories of the Normandy Landing 
Inspired by 20 Real-Life People
by Michael Noble, illustrated by Alexander Mostov

And on a different note, I am also hoping to read
Silver Meadows Summer by Emma Otheguy

What are you reading this week?


  1. I loved Juana & Lucas! I haven't read the second book, so I look forward to adding that to my summer reading.

  2. I went back & read your review of Dutch Girl & enjoyed it, Alex. I did know some of what the book shares, but like that it gives the war's impact on Hepburn, too. I love Juana & Lucas, too, will look for some of the D-Day books! Thank you!

  3. I adore the cover of Silver Meadows Summer by Emma Otheguy. I guess that makes me kind of shallow, but then I read about the book and am so happy that my library has it on order!
    Juana & Lucas are new to me, but I will check them out.
    Dutch Girl looks fabulous. Now I have to figure out if I can fit it into my reading life.

  4. I haven't read the new Alex Rider book yet, but it is MY FAVORITE series!
    And I love Emma Otheguy--her work is so lyrical!
    Happy reading this week :)

  5. I'm sorry the Expo isn't as much fun but I hope you got a few good books (or book suggestions) out of it. Those are some good books on your list.

  6. I placed Stormbreaker on my #MustReadin2019 list back in January. Both my brother and my son adore the Alex Rider series, so I committed to starting it this year. Thanks for the great review of Alex Rider: Secret Weapon. I should probably order this one for my brother since his birthday is next month!

  7. I think I have a bunch of Anthony Horowitz novels that I haven't really gotten around to reading yet. Thanks for reminding me of them. Have a great reading week!

  8. About to read DUTCH GIRL. (As soon as the library's copy is available- very popular title!). Also good to be reminded of Anthony Horowitz. I love these #IMWAYR posts.


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