
Monday, March 9, 2020

Dream Big, Little Scientists: A Bedtime Story by Michelle Schaub, illustrated by Alice Potter

Dream Big, Little Scientists: A Bedtime Book 
by Michelle Schaub, illustrated by Alice Potter
Charlesbridge Publishing, 2020, 32 pages 

When nighttime comes, all over the neighborhood, 12 budding scientists are beginning to get very tired. It's time to go home, get ready for bed, and head off to their bedrooms for a goodnight's sleep. Each young scientist and their bedroom is seen in a two page spread, in a room decorated with representative items relating to their specific STEM interest. And their interests are as diverse as they and the ways they sleep are.

For example, there are the twins who share bunk beds and are interested in climate change; one young girl in a wheelchair, whose hero is Stephen Hawking, has an interest in physics; an Asian girl who sleeps on the mat on the floor is interested in anthropology, and has a poster of Takie Lebra on her wall (confession - I learn something new in children's books all the time. I didn't know who Takie Lebra is until I read this book). A white boy with a hearing aid has pictures of George Washington Carver and Thomas Meehan (the botanist not the movie producer by the same name) on his bedroom wall because his interest lies in botany.

This appealing bedtime story, written in a simple ABCB rhyme scheme, has a nicely embedded message that tells young readers that science is for EVERYONE, all you need is the interest and there are plenty of areas where interest can be found. The colorful illustrations are whimsical and detailed. Each two page bedroom is decorated with books, posters, and other objects reflecting what that child in interested in scientifically, as well as curtains, pjs, and quilts to match.

When I read this to my young readers, they found the rhyme very appealing. The way it is presented reminded some of the of Goodnight Moon, a book they all still love. But they also loved exploring each illustration and learning the different names the different branches of science and the names of some of the items and people found on the page.
You can read the bio of each scientists included in this book HERE
At the end of the book, there is a chart defining each area of interested presented with a definition of what scientists study in each one. And you can download an extensive Educator's Guide and Activity Kit from the author's website HERE

Dream Big, Little Scientists is an ideal bedtime story with a subtle educational message that can conveniently be explored with your young readers during the day.

This book is recommended for readers age 3+
This book was gratefully received from Barbara at BlueSlipMedia

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