
Sunday, March 6, 2022

Breaking Through the Clouds: The Sometimes Turbulent Life of Meteorologist Joanne Simpson by Sandra Nickel, illustrated by Helena Perez Garcia

Breaking Through the Clouds:
The Sometimes Turbulent Life of Meteorologist Joanne Simpson
written by Sandra Nickel, illustrated by Helena Perez Garcia
Abrams BFYR, 2022, 48 pages
Available March 8, 2022

Who among us hasn't spent time as a child laying in the grass, looking up at the sky and gazing at the clouds floating by? I know I have and so did young Joanne Simpson. For Joanne, the cloud watching offered an a respite from her mother's cold, harsh words, criticizing her for being so stubborn. But, it was that stubbornness that carried Joanne through to achieve her dream of studying clouds. Attending college at the University of Chicago finally gave her a real escape from her mother, and just before WWII, famed meteorologist Carl-Gustaf Rossby arrived in the US and taught Joanne enough about weather to allow her to teach officers about it for the war effort. 

After the war, Joanne wanted to study more about clouds but she was laughed at by the men at the university. Clouds weren't really that important. In fact, Rossby even told her to go home, saying "No woman ever got a doctorate in meteorology. And no woman ever will." But Joanne was stubborn. She continued to study clouds, discovering some surprising properties about them. Finally, after presenting her finding to the professors at the university, Joanne had indeed earned a doctorate of meteorology, the first woman to do so. 

Returning home to Wood's Hole, Massachusetts, Joanne continued to study clouds, discovering more and more surprising things about them. Unafraid, she would fly under, over and through all kinds of clouds, including the scary cumulonimbi clouds filling with gusting winds and rain, eventually coming to understand the power of these massive clouds. 

Joanne continued to work and study clouds for the rest of her life. And eventually, even Rossby knowledged her work as valuable, and giving her access to his massive computer.  

This picture book biography for older readers is a fascinating and inspiring look at the life of Joanne Simpson. Faced with all kinds of negativity that might have prevented someone a little less stubborn from achieving their dreams, Joanne is a shining example of determination and persistence. In other words, stubbornness. 

One of the things I really liked about the way Joanne's life was presented were the many weather related metaphors that the author used. It's a wonderful way to get kids to understand not just metaphors, but also a topic about which they may have no other knowledge. For example: "By the time Joanne was ten, she had learned her mother's words could be icier that the coldest winds." 

Nickel's text is accompanied by detailed layered and textured gouache illustrations, some full page, other spot images, but all done in a complimenting brightly colored palette. 

Back matter consists of an Author's Noted, accompanied by photographs of Joanne Simpson at work, a Selected Bibliography and a Timeline of Joanne Simpson's Life.  

Meet the Author: 
Sandra Nickel says that story ideas are everywhere; you just have to reach out and grab them.  She holds an MFA in writing for children and young adults from Vermont College of Fine Arts. Her first book, Nacho’s Nachos: The Story Behind the World’s Favorite Snack, was awarded a Christopher Award and was a Golden Kite Award finalist. Sandra lives in Chexbres, Switzerland, where she blogs about children’s book writers and illustrators at To learn more, visit


Twitter:  @senickel

Facebook: @sandranickelbooks

Instagram: @sandranickelbooks


Check out the trailer and other cool resources here!

Thank you, Barbara Fisch @BlueSlipMedia for providing a copy of this book.

Inspiring words from Joanne Simpson, perfect for Women's History Month:

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