Friday, July 8, 2022

National Geographic Kids' Ultimate Food Atlas Blog Tour and Giveaway

Welcome to the Ultimate Food Atlas Blog Tour!

This week, join us for a fantastic food journey around the globe as we celebrate the release of the Ultimate Food Atlas (National Geographic Kids Books, ages 8-12).  Five blogs across the web are featuring posts from the book as we "travel" from continent to continent to discover a rich diversity of foods and food celebrations from many different countries. Ready for a captivating around-the-world culinary adventure? Read on!


Australia, the smallest continent, is also a country. Because it’s in the Southern Hemisphere, its northern coast—closer to the Equator—is tropical. Sugarcane and tropical fruits such as bananas and mangoes are produced in the northeast. The south of Australia has a mild climate, good for producing wheat and other grains. The interior, or outback, is largely desert. About 1,300 miles (2,092 km) east of Australia is New Zealand, a lush green country known for its many sheep. Thousands of other islands of Oceania are scattered to the north and east across the Pacific. On these islands, coconuts, papayas, and many other tropical fruits thrive, and fresh seafood is plentiful.

Traditional Australia and Oceania Seafood Delights

Australians along the coasts take full advantage of the fresh seafood available to them. On the islands of Oceania, men and women continue traditional fishing practices. Across the continent, freshwater lakes and streams offer other tasty local options. Batter-fried fish, grilled crustaceans, and succulent seaweed are just some of the dishes made from this region’s seafood.

BUGS (Australia) In Australia, local species of lobsters are the Moreton Bay Bug and Balmain Bug. Unlike other types of lobsters, these flat-shaped crustaceans do not have big claws, and only their tail meat is edible. Grilled with herb and garlic butter, you’ll find these seafood bugs served at picnics and in fine restaurants.

KOKODA (Fiji) Any fresh, locally caught fish, such as mahi mahi, can be turned into kokoda. Just marinate it in citrus juices and mix it with some coconut cream, onions, tomatoes, and chilies. This favorite festive dish is often served in a large clam shell of coconut shell. 

SEA GRAPE SALAD (Fiji)  The seaweed called nama in Fiji is known as sea grapes, or even green caviar, elsewhere in the world. The little bubbles of green on this algae are soft but pleasantly crunchy when eaten. Nama is usually eaten topped with lemon juice or a little coconut cream as part of a fresh salad.

WHITEBAIT FRITTER (New Zealand)  This fish dish specialty of New Zealand is made using tiny freshwater fish such as inanga or other fresh catch from local rivers. The fish are cooked with eggs and butter and served with lemon. There’s a friendly competition between North Island and South Island folks as to who has the better recipe. 

POISON CRU (French Polynesia) This island specialty is freshly caught raw fish, usually tuna, diced and marinated in lime. For a Tahitian version of fish-and-chips, try it with a side of taro chips.

Ultimate Food Atlas

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Exploring the world has never been more yummy and fun! Discover how unique foods are grown, eaten, and celebrated by people all over the planet, get recipes for delicious dishes, and so much more!

Pull up a chair and dig into this bold and vibrant world atlas full of fun food facts, fascinating information about crops and farming, easy-to-read maps, recipes, and games from around the world. On the menu: vegetables, grains, meats, dairy products, and foods harvested from the water. Highlights include appetizing attractions, cool places to eat, and food festivals, and sustainable eating is promoted throughout. It's a treat for kids who are interested in food and a valuable reference about geography, agriculture, and culture across the continents. Absolutely stuffed with mouthwatering tidbits for every reader! Kids are sure to come back to the table hungry for more!

About the Authors

Nancy Castaldo has written award-winning books about our planet for over 20 years from New York’s Hudson Valley. Her love of reading and writing outdoors began in her childhood, when she wasn’t searching for frogs, turtles, and salamanders, and climbing trees. Her curiosity led her to study science. As an environmental educator, Nancy combined all of those interests. She still enjoys spending her time exploring in the wild as she did while researching over two dozen books and many articles. Nancy writes to inform, inspire, and empower her readers about the world around them. Visit her online at

Christy Milhaly's book Diet for a Changing Climate: Food for Thought (co-written with Sue Heavenrich) explores this issue and offers pointers on preparing environmentally friendly―and tasty―meals using invasive plants,animals and insects.  She has published other nonfiction books on topics including nature, history, politics, and crafts. Milhaly earned degrees from Dartmouth College and the University of California, Berkeley. Visit her online at,


Ultimate Food Atlas

  • One (1) winner will receive a hardcover of Ultimate Food Atlas
  • US/Can only
  • Ends 7/17 at 11:59pm ET
  • Enter via the Rafflecopter below
  • Visit the other stops on the tour for more chances to win!

Blog Tour Schedule:

July 4th From the Mixed-Up Files of Middle Grade Authors
July 5th YA Books Central
July 6th Pragmatic Mom
July 7th Mrs. Book Dragon
July 8th Randomly Reading


  1. This book looks so amazing! My classroom theme is the Foodies, so I’d love to add it to our classroom library.

  2. some fun food facts

  3. I just got my copy from Media Masters! Hope that you are having fun with the #MGReadathon!


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